Alumni Arbeit

A New Bridge Perspective on the Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics
Eine ausgewählte Gruppe deutscher und amerikanischer New Bridge Alumni teilt ihre Beobachtungen zum Transatlantic Forum.
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The German-American Conference in Washington, D.C.: An In-Depth Analysis from a New Bridge Perspective
With generous support from the German Federal Foreign Office, Atlantik-Brücke was able to fund the participation of eight New Bridge alumni in this year’s German-American Conference.
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Meet-Up in Los Angeles: New Bridge Alumni Reunion 2023
This fall, Atlantik-Brücke’s New Bridge alumni had the opportunity to come together for the second annual New Bridge Alumni Reunion in sunny Los Angeles. Almost 60 people from seven American as well as one German cohort joined in discussions on “Global Challenges and Local Solutions."
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New Bridge Alumni Convene in Atlanta
Bei der New Bridge Alumni Konferenz wurde das einjährige Bestehen des New Bridge Programms gefeiert. Sie brachte Fellows aus allen Jahrgängen des Programms zu Networking und Diskussionen in Atlanta zusammen.
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