
New Bridge to Germany: Class of 2024
These ten remarkable young professionals from the U.S. will embark on their journey in September of 2024, traveling from Washington, D.C., to Brussels, Berlin, and Leipzig.
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The challenges of our global security
At this year's Members Meeting's panel discussion "China, Russia, the Tech Race, and Western Resilience," several experts shared their insights on the critical geopolitical landscape and its impact on global security. The panel included David Sanger, Rafael Mariano Grossi and Beth Sanner. It was moderated by Christian Mölling.
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New Bridge to the U.S.: Class of 2024
Our second New Bridge cohort from Germany will travel this June from Berlin, to Washington, D.C. to Montgomery and Atlanta. We are honoured to introduce our Class of 2024.
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The New Realities of Democracy
The German-American Conference of Atlantik-Brücke and the American Council on Germany took place in April 2024. Especially in the year of the US elections, there were heated discussions and valuable contributions to the debate.
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“There are many opportunities for German-Canadian cooperation”
An interview with Simon Kennedy, Canada's Deputy Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, about current challenges and areas of cooperation for Canada and Germany. 
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„We are focused on diplomatic outcomes that have a real effect for middle-class America“
Under Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, U.S. Department of State, details the Biden administration's approach to economic diplomacy and the need for transatlantic cooperation on issues from the supply chain to China.
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„The defense of democracy is the defining challenge of our time.“
U.S. Ambassador Gutmann, in a moving speech against the backdrop of the Ukraine war, stressed the need to protect democracy against attacks by its enemies.
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A Conversation on Relations between China and the West: A Perspective from Beijing
Wang Yi, Sigmar Gabriel, Federica Mogherini, and Wolfgang Ischinger discuss the future of the EU's and the West's relationship with China.
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Research Strategies against Pandemics
The global COVID-pandemic demonstrates the critical importance of better understanding the human immune system. Wayne Koff, CEO of the Human Vaccines Project and Anja Langenbucher, Director Europe of the Gates Foundation, discuss this and other questions.
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“Changing Demographics: Diversity in the United States and Germany”
Our panel on changing demographics discussed the challenges and opportunities a changing society presents for transatlantic relations.
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Will transatlantic relations improve after the US election?
Former US-Ambassador to the EU, Anthony Luzzato Gardner, discussed transatlantic relations with Atlantik-Bruecke-Chairman Sigmar Gabriel.
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Covid-19 and its implications for transatlantic relations
Ambassador Nicholas Burns and Atlantik-Brücke-Chairman Sigmar Gabriel discuss how the pandemic is and should be addressed by the transatlantic partners. While they agree it is natural for governments to prioritise caring for their own citizens, they underline that the global health crisis, which will be followed by a global economic crisis, needs to be addressed in a cooperative effort.
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Two Takes on the Presidential Race
Peter Rough of the conservative Hudson Institute and Michael Werz of the Democratic Center for American Progress share their views on the most important issues of the upcoming elections.
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“The most important election in modern American history”
Dr. Charles Kupchan, Professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University, regards the Midterm Elections as a referendum on President Trump’s tenure.
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“It is important for Germany to lead in NATO on the European landmass”
General Philip Breedlove, NATO’s former Supreme Allied Commander Europe, would welcome “Germany’s recapitalization and retraining of its military forces.”
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“One of the key factors is our openness to the world”
Dr. Ailish Campbell is Canada’s Chief Trade Commissioner and assesses the outcomes one year after CETA’s implementation: 99 percent of the Canadian-European Free Trade Agreement have already come into force.
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“The EU is now motivated to take real action”
Part XI of our series: Julie Smith supports the plans of a strong European Defense Union. Smith underlines that NATO would benefit if these efforts among European militaries succeeded.
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“Privacy is of paramount concern to us”
Jay Carney, Senior Vice President, Global Corporate Affairs, Amazon, speaks about Amazon's growth in Europe, the future of A.I. and the importance of privacy.
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The “New South”, New Skills, and Old Alliances
Over the course of six days, the Atlantik-Brücke delegation traveled to the United States and met with a diverse group of politicians, CEOs, journalists, academics, and others, in Charlotte, North Carolina and Washington, DC.
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Atlantik Ball 2015
On November 20, the Atlantik-Brücke celebrated the transatlantic partnership with an Atlantik Ball. In her speech, Federal Minister of Defense Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, patron of the ball, reminded the guests of the Paris attacks of the previous Friday. She emphasized that the West will not let anyone take away its culture, its values […]
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George H. W. Bush receives Award from Atlantik-Bruecke
Former U.S. President George H. W. Bush Award was the first recipient of the Atlantik-Bruecke Award he lends his name to. He was honored by Atlantik-Bruecke for his contribution to the German Reunification and the friendship between Germany, Europe, and the United States. The award ceremony took place in the evening of August 28, 2015 […]
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Award Ceremony for the Eric-M.-Warburg-Prize honoring Dr. Richard von Weizsäcker
On June 4, 2014, the Atlantik-Brücke recognized former Federal President Dr. Richard von Weizsäcker in Berlin for his outstanding commitment to transatlantic relations by awarding him the Eric M. Warburg Prize. Friedrich Merz, Chairman of Atlantik-Brücke, provided the laudation in front of the exclusive circle of guests. He emphasized, “You are a shining example for […]
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Delegation Trip to San Francisco and Silicon Valley
San Francisco was at the heart of this spring’s Atlantik-Brücke delegation trip to the USA. Located in the Bay Area to the North of Silicon Valley, San Francisco has become a rival to traditional tech boom-centers like Palo Alto, Cupertino, and Menlo Park. Many of the young employees working in the Valley’s tech businesses prefer […]
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Study Trip for Social Studies Teachers 2013
From November 30 to December 8, 2013, fifteen teachers from Southern California participated in a study trip through Germany at the invitation of Atlantik-Brücke. The group visited Hamburg, Berlin, and Leipzig. Every year the Atlantik-Brücke invites a group of American social studies, German, and history teachers to participate in a week-long study trip to Germany. […]
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Study Trip for Social Studies Teachers 2014
Every year the Atlantik-Brücke invites a group of American teachers to participate in a week-long study trip to Germany. During this year’s trip from June 22 to 29, teachers from Texas and Oklahoma travelled to Frankfurt, Cologne, Bonn and Berlin. During their short, yet intensive stay in Germany the teachers got to know high-ranking leaders […]
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Study Trip for Social Studies Teachers 2015
Once a year, Atlantik-Bruecke invites a group of American social studies, history and German teachers to participate in a week-long study trip through Germany to get a comprehensive picture and understanding of the country. The different parts of the trip are carefully chosen by Atlantik-Bruecke and take the teachers to German schools, small and corporate […]
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Study Trip for Social Studies Teachers 2016
„It will take me the rest of the summer to process and fully understand the impact upon my teaching.” Kristin Schnerer, World Studies teacher, Start High School, Toledo, Ohio Fifteen American social studies and history teachers participated in this year’s study trip to Germany. From June 5-12, the teachers from Ohio travelled from Munich and […]
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Lunch Discussion with two members of the U.S. House of Representatives
On June 4, two members of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Honorable Charlie Dent and the Honorable Marc Veasey met with Atlantik-Brücke members and Young Leaders alumni in Frankfurt for a lunch discussion about the current challenges facing the transatlantic partnership. Charlie Dent has been a member of the House since January 2005. »Link […]
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The EU Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: Visions, Ambitions, Realities
Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, was not afraid to speak his mind regarding the European Union’s foreign policy during his talk on February 25 in Berlin. During his speech in front of over 100 guests at a joint event hosted by Atlantik-Bruecke, the Daimler Corporation and the German Council on Foreign Relations, the […]
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“Mapping Out Security Policy Strategies for the Transatlantic Partnership” – Discussion with Distinguished Security Advisors
The panel of the discussion event “Mapping Out Security Policy Strategies for the Transatlantic Partnership” was occupied by distinguished guest speakers, one incumbent and three former Security Advisors. On the 14th of January, Christoph Heusgen, Security Advisor of Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, Tom Donilon, former Security Advisor of US President Barack Obama, Jean-David Levitte, former […]
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“Geostrategic Implications of Energy (In)Dependence” – Keynote Speech by Sigmar Gabriel
On October 9, 2014, Vice Chancellor and Federal Minster for Economic Affairs Sigmar Gabriel gave a keynote speech on the geostrategic aspects of energy policy. In light of the current crises in Ukraine and the Middle East, the issue of energy security was highly relevant, Gabriel stressed before 90 members and guests of Atlantik-Brücke. At […]
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“Are We Losing One Another?” Talk by Steven Erlanger
On February 12, 2015, around 40 members and guests of Atlantik-Brücke gathered in the Berliner Magnus-Haus for a talk by American journalist Steven Erlanger on the topic of „Are We Losing One Another? US-German Relations in the Era of Snowden, Putin and the Euro Crisis“. Erlanger, who is currently the London bureau chief for the […]
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Jeb Bush visits Atlantik-Brücke
On June 10, 2015, the former governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, visited Atlantik-Bruecke. Bush, who announced his presidential bid for the 2016 election on June 15, 2015 in Miami, spoke to a small circle of high-ranking personalities from business and politics about current transatlantic issues. The son of George Bush Senior and the brother of […]
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Talk with former World Bank President Zoellick
The free trade agreement TTIP, currently under negotiation between the United States and the European Union, was the topic of a discussion in Berlin on June 9 with Robert B. Zoellick, former President of the World Bank. Zoellick, whose many high ranking positions also included that of United States Deputy Secretary of State and as […]
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Carter: The Cold War play book is outdated
U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter has sent out an unmistakable message to the world during his first official visit to Berlin: The play book of the conflict between the East and the West is not compatible with the challenges of the current crisis in Eastern Ukraine, the Democrat said during his speech at Atlantik-Bruecke’s […]
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Germany’s New Responsibilities in Global Policy
Germany has repeatedly expressed its readiness to assume increased international responsibility. The Federal Republic understands the global political framework and the available policy options; furthermore, Germany is aware of the expectations of both its European and global partners. In this context, it is particularly relevant to address the question of whether Germany recognizes its own […]
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”Strong Europe”: Talk with Lt. General Hodges, Commanding General, US Army Europe
Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, Commanding General, United States Army Europe, spoke about the concept of “Strong Europe“ during a lunch talk in Frankfurt on September 9. “Strong Europe” is the US Army’s concept for strengthening the resilience of its NATO Allies – depsite the reduction of American troops in Europe. Joint European military excercises will […]
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1000 guests follow U.S. presidential elections
The election of Republican candidate Donald Trump to the 45th U.S. President has kept the guests of the Election Night quite busy from the evening of November, 8th until the early morning of November, 9th. Along with Bertelsmann, CNN, ntv, Stern, the American Academy in Berlin, the US Embassy in Germany, Google, UDG United Digital […]
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„Serving as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany has been the honor of my life“
With a festive dinner, 200 members and guests bid US-Ambassador John B. Emerson farewell on January 18. The Ambassador adressed the guests with a moving farewell speech: “Thank you, Tom Buhrow.  And Friedrich, once again thank you for that warm welcome.  And I say “once again” because, in addition to the many times you and […]
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“Europe matters, this relationship matters” – a conversation with Robert Kagan, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
On the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, Atlantik-Brücke held a lunch discussion at Hotel Bayerischer Hof on February 19, 2017. Dr. Robert Kagan, Senior Fellow Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution, spoke on “The Democratic World Order Under Siege”. He expressed concerns that the current world order was coming increasingly under pressure. In his […]
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Losing the Bigger Brother – Foreign Policy Discussion
Donald Trump’s presidency is forcing a rethink in Germany of many things that had been taken for granted before. “The big brother, who we could always lean on when we needed to, is no longer there,” observed Dr. Thomas Bagger, the designated Director of Foreign Policy in the Office of the Federal President, on the […]
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“Russia is aggressive, Europe apathetic – and the US absent”
When an American journalist and Young Leader alumnus of Atlantik-Brücke pens a book entitled “The End of Europe”, there’s clearly a pressing item on the transatlantic agenda. It was no surprise, then, that around 60 members and guests gathered in Berlin to hear James Kirchick discuss his newest book with Dr. Richard Herzinger, politics and […]
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“Partners at eye level”: Farewell for Ambassador Marie Gervais-Vidricaire
“It is easy sometimes for Europeans to forget Canada as our big neighbour provides ample reasons to focus your attention,“ stated Marie Gervais-Vidricaire at her Atlantik-Bruecke farewell dinner on April 24th. But, she continued, Canadians and Europeans are united by a strong foundation of values held in common. These values are an obligation to face […]
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U.S. Congressional Staffers in Berlin
On the occasion of a visit by high-level staff members from the U.S. Congress, organized by the U.S. Congressional Study Groups, Atlantik-Brücke was happy to arrange a breakfast discussion with Roman Rochel, Managing Director of “Houzz” in Germany. The delegation learned about the start-up community in Berlin and the city’s unique digital ecosystem. Roman Rochel […]
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Schäuble speaking at Atlantik-Brücke annual assembly
200 high-ranking representatives of politics, economy, and the media gathered on June 28 for the annual assembly that marked the 65th anniversary of Atlantik-Brücke. Federal Minister of Finance Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble congratulated and seized the opportunity to talk about current challenges for financial policy, and the necessity for global regulations as well as transatlantic partnership. […]
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Congressman: Transatlantic Partnership still a matter of crucial importance
During a dinner-discussion hosted by the Atlantik-Brücke in Berlin, the Democratic Congressman Brendan Boyle assured the importance of the transatlantic partnership. But Boyle, who is a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and has represented Pennsylvania´s 13th Congressional District since 2014, added that this partnership could not be taken for granted anymore. Nevertheless, […]
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“Protectionism might lead to an interruption of trade” – Transatlantic Call with David Lipton, First Deputy Manager of the IMF
On the occasion of Atlantik-Brücke’s first Transatlantic Call, Dr. Christian Pfrang, Lex Columnist at the Financial Times in New York, interwieved Dr. David Lipton, First Deputy Managing Director at the International Monetary Fund. During their phone call they talked about the G20 and its new leaders on stage, international growth, the importance of free trade […]
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Alec Ross: “Name and Shame the Purveyors of Propaganda”
How can we stop extremist narratives spreading through the internet? Alec Ross argues that social media platforms, too, are responsible for publicly identifying the protagonists of propaganda. Ross, who is currently running for Governor of Maryland, also explains how Germany can prepare itself for Russian cyber attacks on the upcoming general election in this interview […]
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“A bridge across the Atlantic, not a wall” – Welcome for the Canadian Ambassador
“We need a bridge across the Atlantic, not a wall “- this is how the new Canadian ambassador Stéphane Dion underlined the importance of German-Canadian relations at a welcome lunch in Berlin. About 23 guests met on September 26 to welcome the new Ambassador and former Minister of Foreign Affairs for Canada, Dion. The ambassador […]
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Discussion of the Election Results with the Vice President of the Bundestag
The strong election results of the AfD and the poor results of the big established parties, the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Social Democrats (SPD), were the main topics of a discussion with Edelgard Bulmahn, Vice-President of the German Bundestag. The 25 Young Leaders alumni attending the event in Berlin on Monday were concerned about […]
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Panel Discussion “Geopolitics of Falling Oil Prices”
On the evening of Monday, May 11, 2015, Atlantik-Brueckes’s Foreign and Security Policy working group met to discuss »Geopolitics of Falling Oil Prices: Opportunities and Challenges for Germany and Europe«. The invited speakers were Michael Schmidt, Chairman of the Executive Board of BP Europa SE and Board Chairman of the Association of the German Petroleum Industry […]
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In Search of the German Bundeswehr of the Future
The 2016 White Paper working group of the Federal Ministry of Defense and additional experts have resumed the process of discussing defense and security policy guidelines for the next ten years. After the inaugural event with more than 200 participants in February of this year, further expert workshops took place in the last several weeks […]
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European Defense Cooperation after Post-Cold War Peace Dividends
How will the increasing cost of national defense in the European Union and in NATO be collectively financed? This long-standing and critical security policy question was addressed in an internal discussion round by a select-group of experts from Atlantik-Brücke. The discussion was part of a larger conversation and exchange with the 2016 White Paper working […]
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Janet Napolitano on the Refugee Crisis
On February 25, 2016, the former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, gave a talk about the current refugee crisis at Atlantik-Bruecke in Berlin. Napolitano, who headed the Department of Homeland Security from 2009 to 2013, can also look back on a wide experience in dealing with the issues of border security, migration and […]
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Roundtable zum Weißbuch with Staatssekretärin Dr. Katrin Suder
The current security situation is characterized by a “density and concurrence of crises heretofore unknown.” This is how German Secretary of Defense Dr. Ursula von der Leyen introduced the new White Paper on security policy, which was published in July this year. Dr. Katrin Suder, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Defence, discussed the […]
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Speech by German Federal Minister of Defense von der Leyen
Berlin, 11 November 2016. At the invitation of Atlantik-Brücke, Federal Minister of Defense Dr. Ursula von der Leyen spoke on the future of German foreign and security policy in front about 100 guests at Hotel Adlon in Berlin. In the light of Donald Trump’s election as US President just a few days before, she emphasized […]
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“Enhancing International Collaboration among Global Financial Markets” with Rodge Cohen and Martin Blessing
On May 14th, the working group Economy, Finance and Markets gathered in the Commerzbank AG building in Frankfurt am Main. Rodge Cohen, Senior Chairman of Sullivan and Cromwell LLP, whom the Financial Times has called “one of the biggest players on Wall Street,” spoke on the problem of system-relevant banks that are deemed “too big […]
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“TTIP: A Historic Opportunity for the Transatlantic Partnership?”
Speech & Discussion with Jeffrey Tessler (Deutsche Börse), Kathryn Ruemmler (Latham & Watkins), Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther (Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln), and Dr. Simone Peter (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) On March 3, close to 80 members and Young Leaders Alumni came to the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Old Stock Exchange) in order to attend a speech and […]
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Andreas Dombret on European Integration
On April 19, Professor Dr. Andreas Dombret, Member of the Executive Board of the German Central Bank and treasurer of Atlantik-Bruecke, gave a speech with the title “Monetary Union, Banking Union, Capital Market Union ­– taking stock and looking ahead”. Around 40 members and Young Leaders Alumni followed the invitation to the China Club in […]
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“Opt in or opt out?” – Lecture by Prof. Dr. Andreas Dombret
On the occasion of the United Kingdom’s decision about whether to stay in the EU, Prof. Dr. Andreas Dombert, member of the board of Deutsche Bundesbank, delivered a speech with the title “Opt-in or opt-out? The future of the European Union in light of the UK referendum” on June 23 in Hamburg. 30 Atlantik-Bruecke members […]
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XXII Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture
Fundamentals of the German-American partnership were themes of the Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture given by German Federal Minister of Defense Dr. Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg on February 8, 2011. The event, which brought together 250 members and guests of Atlantik-Brücke, was held at the DZ Bank in Frankfurt am Main. Guttenberg’s speech addressed the concern […]
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XXIII Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture
Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, joined 180 Atlantik-Brücke members and guests in the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt on March 27th to deliver the XXIII Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture. His lecture on the ECB’s monetary policy in the context of the global financial crisis continued the tradition of bringing key players in the […]
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German-American Conference 2016
On May 23 and 24, Atlantik-Bruecke and the American Council on Germany held their annual German-American Conference. About 170 German and American participants convened at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, where the conference was held under the title “Toward a New Transatlantic Narrative: The German-American Partnership in Turbulent Times.” Speakers included Dr. Thomas […]
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Between the Conflict in Ukraine and the Threat of ISIS
The twenty-third expert meeting with the U.S. European Command took place on November 18 in the Magnus-Haus in Berlin. Admiral Mark Ferguson, Commander Allied Joint Force Command Naples, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and U.S. Naval Forces Africa, and Lieutenant General Erhard Bühler, Director Defense Plans & Policy at the German Ministry of Defense, presided over […]
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German Canadian Conference 2015 “Foreign and Security Policy”
As the de facto capital of the European Union and NATO, Brussels was the appropriate venue for this year’s German-Canadian Conference on foreign and security policy. From April 15 to 18, challenges arising through terrorism as well as energy security, hybrid warfare and cyber security were discussed. The German and Canadian conference participants from the […]
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“Working shoulder to shoulder” – Interview with Canadian Ambassador Stéphane Dion
The Honorable Stéphane Dion, Canadian Ambassador to Germany and Special Envoy to the European Union and Europe, speaks about the German elections, transatlantic cooperation, immigration and integration and CETA. The most pressing issue on the table right now for Germany is the outcome of the elections. What has been the feedback in Canada to the […]
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Young Leaders Conference in Santa Cruz and Silicon Valley
Fourty-seven young professionals from the United States and Germany gathered in Santa Cruz, CA, for Atlantik-Bruecke’s 39th German-American Young Leaders Conference this August. The close proximity of Santa Cruz to the Silicon Valley determined many of the conference topics – e.g. discussions about the opportunities and challenges of technical innovation. The group visited companies like […]
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German-American Young Leaders Conference 2016
Idyllic Lake Starnberg was once again the setting for Atlantik-Brücke’s Young Leaders conference. This year’s group discussed a broad scope of topics, ranging from the opportunities of digitization to populism in Europe and the US as well as the current state of affairs in Europe. A host of prominent guest speakers joined the Young Leaders: […]
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“Time to brace”
By Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook Just months into his young presidency, it is clear that Europe cannot presume an even keel, firm alliance, or historically-shared interests with the United States of Donald Trump. The West, as long understood, is in hiatus. Europe must act accordingly. The presumption of a steady, stabilizing US posture in foreign policy […]
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“Predictable Unpredictability”
By Jeremy Shapiro Donald Trump is returning to Europe twice in July, with stops in Poland, Germany, and France.  After the conspicuous disaster of his first trip to Europe at the end of May, the press is fairly quivering with excitement at the possibilities for mischief and mayhem surrounding America’s volatile commander-in-chief. And, if experience […]
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“Society is more open than ever before for completely new ideas”
Interview with Albert Wenger, Partner, Union Square Ventures and Hans Raffauf, Co-Founder & COO, Clue Mr. Wenger, you are originally from Germany, went to the US to study computer science, founded a company and now you are an investor. Is it still necessary today to cross the Atlantic or can someone follow the same path […]
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“Is the West Disintegrating?”
In the German daily Handelsblatt, Professor Dr. Michael Hüther, director of the Cologne Institute for Economic Research, and Russell Berman, Walter A. Haas Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, ask whether the West and its values have chance in the face of growing populism, authoritarianism and isolationism. […]
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America and Europe can only succeed together – An appeal for transatlantic cooperation by Atlantik-Bruecke
A shorter version of this appeal was published in the print version of the German daily WELT on February 12, 2017, and on February 15 on »WELT online In his inaugural speech, President Donald Trump emphasized that he does not want to dwell on the past. He only wants to look ahead now. And he feels […]
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For Blue Collar Workers in the United States, Donald Trump’s Victory is Personal
By Nelson D. Schwartz For nearly a quarter of a century Robin Maynard has worked at the Carrier plant in Indianapolis, Indiana, building furnaces and creating a middle-class life for himself and his family. Indeed, Mr. Maynard’s hourly salary of $24 was enough to put his two eldest children through college, and he had high […]
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37th German-American Young Leaders Conference
At the end of July, the 2015 cohort of Atlantik-Brücke Young Leaders came together in Queenstown, Maryland, for an intensive, week-long program under the headline »Managing Change in a Volatile World: A Task for Transatlantic Leaders«. Forty-seven participants with diverse professional backgrounds from Germany and the United States met with high-level guest speakers, exchanged views […]
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The Megatrend of Digitization
By Professor Dr. Michael Hüther Digitization is on everyone’s lips, not least because smartphones are in everyone’s hands. Political efforts have been made to tackle the subject and have even led to the development of a digital strategy. Economists, however, view this major trend of structural transformation more cautiously since the great promises and hopes […]
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Turkey Should Welcome Kurdish Gains in Northern Syria
by Max Hoffman, Center for American Progress Syrian Kurdish rebel forces fighting under the banner of the People’s Protection Units, or YPG—along with a brigade from the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army, or FSA, and Assyrian Christian fighters—captured the town of Tel Abyad in northern Syria from Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, last […]
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The New North America
By Dr. Michael Werz, Center for American Progress, Washington, D.C. In two months a bridge will be completed connecting San Diego in Southern California to Tijuana, Mexico. At first sight, this may not seem like a big deal – the most important border inspection post in the world withover 150,000 travelers a day has been […]
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